Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ein Tag in sunny Iceland

Andreas got here on thursday. But he's so shy he decided to hide in the museum.
Vinur minn Andreas er frá Þýskalandi. Hann er feiminn!! ;o)

The golfers around Grotta are desperately trying to fight the arctic terns (kinda) ...
Andreas and I went walking around the beach and golf course next to Grotta's nature reserve, and they were everywhere, rising from their hides in the grass where they nest to protect their brood from the invaders...actually they are pretty awesome (in the "gives awe" sense) when they start hissing and plunging towards you!
Anyway, no collateral damage was made, no eggs broken, no eyes poked out, thankfully.
However, I would like to say to all arctic terns: it's not the best of ideas to go and lay your eggs on a golf course, buddies!!
OK, so maybe I could also tell the golfers to respect nature. Même combat...
This IS Iceland after all...
Since it was a beautiful day, we went to the Bláa Lónið , aka Blue Lagoon on saturday. I caught my first icelandic sunburn, and it was very nice to bespread ourselves with salty mud, yes thanks.

We got talking to this german guy (they're everywhere; obviously their taste for invasion hasn't gone with the decades... ;oÞ ) who was pondering this great question about the blue lagoon and it's price... in a nutshell: why is it that people pay such insane amounts of money (2300 isk summer price) to go and bathe in industrial waste for a couple of hours?
Whatever is said about Iceland, they sure know how to make money out of nothing! ;o)
Time flies... Gummizeit.
They are replacing the old graffiti by new ones.
Originally I was kind of sad because I liked the rainbow (see older post)
But I thought again.
What difference does it make? It's just as nice... And actually it's a damn good idea to change the face of walls every now and then. Gives a new perspective, and a new look to the town.
Neue Grafe entstehen hinter Ex-Zirkus...

On the way back through town, we stumbled upon some guys having a showcase in the music shop, and low and behold, who was it but HRAUN, the group we are going to see on monday! ;o)
That was niiiiiiiiiiice!
Here is a song performed by Svavar Knutur all by himself
And here is Hraun, a while back it seems, when they still looked like overgrown high school poppy kids
And last but not least
That one, which I really like...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

damn i could read everything you wrote what are you up to? enjoyed all the pictures of iceland and your humor god bless you be safe and happy fwafs l o v e r/c