Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy new Year belated

Hi everyone,
I don't actually have much of an internet access these days, seeing as it requires the going to town 30 km away and/or being there when the library is open, a.i, not often, so please excuse the silence for those who are used to receiving emails too regularly, and i AM totally thinking of you and miss you (those whom it may concern will recognize themselves...)

Here is a batch of random pics of stuff I've been dong lately..

On my birthday I left Okato with Paul and his dog for a little tour around some of the North island with his truck. We also had a sweet bike in there to go on little day trips :o)

2010, Day 1
Artichokes are so pretty!!!
Went to play capoeira at Parihaka Peace Festival (totally awesome, more about it some other day...)

Ate some hangi, which cooks in the ground long enough to make it nice and tasty

Saw some funny signs

Knitted a new lopapeysa (...) :D

And went swimming
Hope you're all good!!!