Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Much as it's hard to resume normality after an event like Flo's death and despite the cliché, life must go on.
For the same reason, it's also difficult to resume casual chit-chat in a blog, so this post will be all photos (mostly of Brittany, where I've now been on and off since I made it back to France on April the 10th) and I'll post something more consequent in a few days.
Silene Vulgaris

Pointe Saint-Mathieu
Le Conquet


Camaret sur Mer

Pointe Corsen


Anonymous said...

mother,brother,and you take a nice picture. your part of France is also quite nice. I got a new bike and have lost 30 lbs riding around Pocomoke. Hope life will turn your loss and pain into something good somehow. God Bless You! FWAFS Love rc

Val said...

just sending you love and strength.