Saturday, December 13, 2008


From the back window.
Le bike in le snow. I don't have nailed tires, so I haven't been using it the last two days, although I could, really...

Iceland going more nationalist because of the kreppa, or simply football?

4.20 pm.

Monday, December 1, 2008


On Friday I went on a jeep tour across the countryside. Þingvellir, Langjökull glacier, Hraun and Barnfossar. John, Jon, Paul, Lowell and Gaz, 5 English gentlemen, were my companions; we had a waaaaaaaaaail of a time, going down caves, peeing on glaciers (always take care to have the wind in your back), making silly jokes with Inga the wonderful driver and admiring the exquisite beauty of this country.

The famous five, not very visible, and the jeep, trying to camouflage in the snow on Langjökull glacier...
It was freeeeezing on top of the glacier, maybe -15 celsius with strong crosswinds, but oh so beautiful to watch the snow drift by..
This mountain is so incredibly beautiful...
Just before I decided to come here I had a dream about Iceland, where I had visions of landscapes of lava and snow. This afternoon was pretty much a like a convergence of what I saw in my dream and reality.

We went walking around in a lava cave. Impressively silent. My ears have been ringing strangely for the last 6 weeks or so.. I wonder if I should move to a lava cave?

3 pm

Next to Barnafoss, la "cascade des enfants", cause two of them fell in there and died on a Christmas eve, so goes the story.
Hraunfossar, the darkness coming at 16.30